Feeling Backed Up? Let’s Fix That!

by team nuut

Here’s your gut-saving guide to constipation

Alright, let’s be real — constipation is nobody’s favourite topic, but let’s face it, we’ve all been there. Whether you’re feeling a little blocked after a big meal or you’ve been waiting on nature’s call for days, constipation is more common than you think. But just because it happens doesn’t mean you need to put up with it!

Here at nuut, we’re all about helping you feel your best—inside and out—so we’re here to tackle constipation head-on. No more awkward silences about digestion. It’s time to break the stigma and get things moving again.

Ready for some gut-loving tips? Let’s get into it!

What Causes Constipation?

Constipation can be as mysterious as trying to figure out where your last sock disappeared in the laundry! There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but some usual suspects include too much or too little fibre, dehydration, stress, hormonal shifts, a change in routine, skipping your daily workout, or even holding it in when nature calls. Yes, your body keeps track!

When the back-up happens, it’s a good idea to take a quick inventory of what’s going on in your life—jot down your food and water intake, activity levels, and any changes in your routine or cycle. You might just spot the culprit!

Also, if constipation is becoming a regular part of your life, it could be linked to conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In that case, finding the root cause is key, so don’t hesitate to consult a health pro to get things moving (literally).

How Do You Know You're Experiencing Constipation?

While some folks notice constipation right away, others might not connect the dots as quickly, letting symptoms drag on longer than necessary. The key is to act fast before things get more uncomfortable.

So, what are the tell-tale signs?

• Feeling like there's still "more" after a toilet trip.

• Straining or struggling to pass a bowel movement.

• Hard, lumpy, or dry stools.

• Fewer than three bowel movements per week.

Constipation doesn’t just mess with your bathroom routine; it can also bring on bloating, gas, fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, and, in severe cases, a full-on bowel obstruction. Yikes! Ideally, you want to be aiming for soft, easy-to-pass stools every 1-2 days to keep things running smoothly.

What to Do About It

We’ve all been there, falling for those sketchy internet remedies. But no worries, we’re bringing you evidence-based tips that actually work! Here are a few science-backed strategies to help prevent and treat constipation:

Stay Hydrated

Without enough fluids, stools can dry out and become tough to pass. For most healthy people, aim to drink 30-35 mL of fluid per kg of body weight each day to keep things flowing smoothly. We recommend mixing your daily nuut with 350 ml of water to help you hit your target.

Move Your Body Daily

Staying active helps stimulate the muscles and nerves in your gut, keeping things on the move. So, make sure you're incorporating some daily movement to keep the system running.

Track Your Fibre Intake

Too much or too little fibre can mess with your digestion. Aim for 25-30g of fibre per day to promote healthy bowel movements. If you’ve been low on fibre, increase your intake slowly to avoid making constipation worse, and pair it with plenty of fluids!

Eat 2x Kiwi Fruit a Day

Research shows kiwi fruit’s fibre absorbs about three times its weight in water. This not only boosts stool volume but also softens it by retaining more water, helping your gut contract and move things along.

How to Improve Your Gut Health and Stay Regular

Constipation can have many causes, but recent research points to poor gut health—specifically, an imbalance between the "good" and "bad" bacteria in your gut—as a big factor. The good news? There are easy tweaks you can make to your diet to support those "good" bugs and get your gut back on track.

Eat a Rainbow of Plants

Brightly coloured fruits and veggies are loaded with fibre and polyphenols, both of which promote a healthy, diverse gut microbiome. Aim for 30 different plant varieties each week—your gut bugs will thank you!

Limit Ultra-Processed Foods

Those tempting cookies and chips? They’re often packed with unhealthy fats, sugar, and salt but low on fibre. Research shows that ultra-processed foods can fuel the growth of "bad" gut bugs. So, swap out the processed snacks for more whole, natural options.

Load Up on Fermented Foods

Foods like yogurt, kefir, aged cheese, kimchi, sauerkraut, and kombucha are packed with probiotics—live bacteria that mirror the "good" bugs in your gut. Studies show people who consume more probiotics (whether from fermented foods or supplements) are up to 15% more likely to stay regular. So, stock up and keep your gut happy!

In Conclusion

We hope this blog has helped shine a light on the not-so-glamorous (but totally normal) topic of constipation. Remember, while these tips can help get things moving, it's always a good idea to consult with your doctor or an accredited dietitian for personalised advice—especially when it comes to fine-tuning your fibre intake. Here’s to happier, healthier bowels and feeling your best!