How To Be Stronger and Healthier In 2024
by team nuut

Start the year right with these fresh wellness behaviours and a daily dose of vegan protein powder.
Now is the time when we reflect on the past twelve months and set goals for the new year ahead. For some, that may be focusing on being more active and eating a balanced diet. For others, it's finally catching up with old friends, taking that long-deserved holiday or starting a new business. Whatever your goal is, it's essential to consider your well-being and set healthy goals to strive for a healthier you in 2024.
Get strong and healthy so you can smash your New Year's resolutions. Here are some of team nuut's tips to steal for a healthy start to a brand new year.
Prioritise Vegetables
Vegetables reduce your risk of a number of long-term health conditions, encourage a happy, healthy gut and provide your body with a whole host of vitamins and minerals.
Studies have shown that just increasing vegetable intake alone reduces your risk of developing chronic diseases and aids body weight management.
A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower the risk of eye and digestive problems, and positively affect blood sugar, which can help keep your appetite in check.
A recent study also reported that those eating up to seven or more portions of fruits and vegetables daily reap substantial benefits and that vegetables and salad are more beneficial than fruit. Plant-based foods are also vital for providing us with fibre and colour. Many of the beneficial compounds in plants are linked to their colour pigments, so eating a rainbow is important to get all the nutrients your body needs.
As well as being rich in essential vitamins, fruits and vegetables are packed with plant compounds, which are important for maintaining health and well-being. These compounds are found across the colour spectrum, but certain colours are especially rich in powerful protectors:
Red produce is rich in lycopene, which protects the skin from sun damage and some cancers.
• Tomatoes
• Watermelon
• Red peppers
Orange fruits and vegetables are brimming with beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A for healthy, glowing skin.
• Squash
• Sweet potatoes
• Carrots
• Mango
• Papaya
• Apricots
• Peaches
Purple fruits and vegetables are a delicious source of protective anthocyanins, renowned for their anti-ageing benefits,
• Red cabbage
• Blueberries
• Red grapes
• Blackcurrants
• Plums
Yellow fruits and veggies boast a host of carotenoids – lutein and zeaxanthin that protect eyes from damage and reduce the risk of developing cataracts.
• Sweetcorn
• Yellow peppers
• Yellow courgettes
Green fruits and vegetables are rich in energising chlorophyll.
• Spinach
• Watercress
• Rocket
• Grapes
• Broccoli
• Kale
• Asparagus
• Cucumbers
• Avocado
• Kiwi fruits
Investing in a high-quality vegan protein powder is one of the most efficient ways to increase your protein intake. One of Australia’s best protein powders, nuut, is all you need to whip up a shake brimming with wholefood veggies. Add oat milk, oats, and nut butter for our take on a delicious milkshake and sneak in some veggies and fruit like cauliflower, banana and avocado for extra creaminess and nutrients.
Practice Healthy Behaviours
Sometimes, we associate losing weight with being healthy, but cutting calories or working out obsessively puts your body and health at risk and is not a long-term weight loss solution. Instead of tracking your calories or watching the scale, integrate new healthy activities into your daily life, including:
• Eating 5–8 servings of colourful fruits and vegetables every day
• Drinking eight glasses of filtered water a day
• Going for a brisk 20-minute walk three times a week
• Supping breakfast with a shake made of nuut vegan protein powder, nut milk, almonds and banana.
• Practice weight-bearing exercises for 10 minutes every day.
When you practice these behaviours regularly, your health and energy will gradually improve, and you will feel stronger in the long term.
Eat More Fish
Studies show very few people eat enough omega-3 fatty acids. Luckily, fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel and herring, are an accessible and excellent source. Those who consistently eat the most omega-3 fatty acids tend to have a lower risk of heart disease, less chronic inflammation and better mental health.
Fatty fish are a great source of B vitamins that help the body make energy, repair DNA and maintain healthy brain and nerve function. Aim to eat at least two servings of fatty fish per week (sans the chips!) for a good dose of omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients.
Consider Quality, Not Just Calories
Rather than focusing on calories, consider choosing high-quality whole foods and minimising low-quality foods when shopping for food.
Unlike unprocessed foods, such as eggs, fruit and vegetables, which travel from the farm to your kitchen in their freshest state, manufacturers have radically changed processed foods. Studies have shown that eating higher amounts of processed foods is linked to a greater risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes.
Processed foods tend to be fast food like instant noodles, potato chips, chicken nuggets or chicken fingers and sugary drinks that are low in fibre and high in sugar and calories. Choose high-quality foods, including unrefined, minimally processed ones such as vegetables and fruits, whole grains, healthy fats and healthy sources of protein and avoid lower-quality foods, like highly processed snack foods, sugar-sweetened beverages, white grains, refined sugar, fried foods, foods high in saturated and trans fats.
Make a Meal Plan
Following a meal plan is convenient for staying on track with your wellness goals. Planning your meals daily reduces the chance of eating out and prevents impulsive food choices. By prepping meals beforehand, you can also prevent weight gain, thanks to portion control.
When you can plan your meals, you are more likely to make healthy choices. If you eat out regularly, make it a goal to start making one meal at home each week and go from there. Plenty of healthy prepared meal programs are also available that are simple to make ahead of time.
nuut's 14- and 28-day downloadable plant-based meal plans include nutritionist-approved recipes, daily workouts and Australia's best vegan protein powder, nuut, which provides 100% plant-based powdered nourishment and a whopping one-third of your daily dietary requirements. Choose from various plans tailored towards eating styles such as keto, paleo and intermittent fasting.
Pop More C
Many people pop vitamin C (or ‘ascorbic acid’) pills when they feel a cold coming on, yet it is essential for so much more.
Antioxidant-rich vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that boosts your immune system and helps protect against damage from free radicals. Vitamin C is pivotal in producing collagen for supple skin, bile acids that help you absorb fat, and neurotransmitters that send messages around your body and repair and maintain bones, cartilage, and teeth. We also need vitamin C for healthy connective tissues and wound healing.
Many fruits and vegetables have high amounts of vitamin C, close to or more than that of oranges. To reap its benefits, include some of these healthy foods in your day, such as rockmelon, raw citrus fruits, broccoli, red cabbage, kiwi, bell peppers, kale and Brussels sprouts, and Perth’s fave protein powder, nuut. You can also read more about vitamin C and its impact on your health and immune system here.
Finally, have fun! A healthy, full life is filled with joy, wholesome food, regular movement and laughter. Make 2024 the best year ever to be alive!