lifelong lessons from my mother.
by team nuut

With Mother’s Day almost here, team nuut took time out to reflect on what they most appreciate learning from their mothers, be it the magic of creation, art of self-discipline, or how to bake the perfect cake.
Here we pay homage to the great women in our lives.
Malika Calder, creative director

The earliest memory of your mum?
She had a beautiful fountain pen (that we weren’t allowed to touch) and she used it to write letters to friends and family back in France. She would slip them into striped air mail envelopes and I was allowed to stick the stamps on and pop them in the mailbox. Now it’s all about instant messaging with emails and texts! How times have changed.
Best life hack she has passed onto you?
How to fold fitted sheets!
What do you cook for her on Mother’s Day?
My mother is French and she loves a croissant and bowl of coffee!
What do you admire most about your mum?
Her resilience (she moved from France to Australia with four children and not a word of English) and her willingness to help people. She devotes a lot of her time to charity work and helps me so much with my girls.
Elizabeth Clarke, content & communications

The earliest memory of your mum?
One of my earliest memories is watching her cook dinner in our kitchen in the 1970s. She was wearing flared jeans and had bare feet. Her toenails were polished pink. I think she was making spaghetti and talking on the phone. The cord stretched from the receiver in her hand across the floor and all the way to the cradle on the wall opposite.
Best life hack she has passed onto you?
Pop on some lippie, keep your silver polished, and your attitude positive no matter how hard the situation.
What do you admire most about your mum?
As a working mother of four, she has juggled home and a career and always at the highest of standards. Mum taught me to always stretch myself and go the extra mile.
What do you cook for her on Mother’s Day?
Mum lives in Queensland but if she was here, I would pour her a champagne and make her a cheese souffle.
Ben Clark, marketing assistant
The earliest memory of your mum?
My earliest memory is when I was 3 or 4, sitting on the floor playing with a toy radio. We took turns pressing the different buttons that made different noises, which at the time I thought was super exciting.
Best life hack she has passed onto you?
If you don't want to do something, start right now. Once you start, push through until it's done. Get your work done first so you can enjoy your free time without feeling guilty.
What do you cook for her on Mother’s Day?
I will make a nuut bowl with strawberries, bananas and chia seeds that she will find absolutely delicious!
What do you admire most about your mum?
That no matter how many jobs or how much work she has to do, she never falters. She's unstoppable <3
Bella Clarke, social community engagement officer
The earliest memory of your mum?
My earliest memory is being her assistant on photo shoots, which I was from about 5 years of age. I loved helping her pick out beautiful clothes, getting the models ready, and being her shadow. Fifteen years later and it's still one of my favourite things to do with her.
Best life hack she has passed onto you?
Always remember – choose quality over quantity.
What do you cook for her on Mother’s Day?
Dim sum which is one of her faves.
What do you admire most about your mum?
That she's so independent and hard-working. It’s the most inspiring thing about her. That and her next-level fashion sense.
Zara Ademi, Marketing Manager
The earliest memory of your mum?
My mum immigrated to Australia from Kosovo when I was 2, which means I am the product of two cultures melded into one. My favourite childhood memory is coming home from school to the aroma of home-cooked Albanian dishes. She would also frequently share stories of her upbringing which were starkly contrasted between life here in Aus, reminding me of the value of hard work, grit and gratitude.
Best life hack she has passed onto you?
In any circumstance, ALWAYS have a good heart, remain joyful (even in difficult times) and move with dignity & grace.
What do you cook for her on Mother’s Day?
Some soft, buttery Nutella crepes.
What do you admire most about your mum?
She's young at heart, energetic and has a relentless spirit.